Founded in 2014, Los Niños Films is an independent production company dedicated to the creation, production and dissemination of audiovisual works that explore the aesthetic and creative concerns of each of its filmmakers. In parallel with its production of films, Los Niños Films has produced workshops and film training laboratories with the interest of contributing and enriching the different processes and spaces of film creation in Colombia.

Its production of short films includes pieces such as Río Muerto (2017) premiered at the Festival Internacional del Nuevo Cine Latinoamericano de la Habana 39 and Portete (2017) winner of the award for best short film at the Festival de Cine Corto de Popayán and premiered at the Festival de Cine Independiente de Barcelona L'Alternativa. Los Niños Films' first feature film Lapü (2019) winner of the FDC stimulus in 2016 and participant of the Dok.Incubator 2018 workshop, had its world premiere in the Official Documentary Competition at the Sundance Film Festival and its European premiere was in the Official Forum Selection at the 69th version of the Berlinale, followed by an extensive festival tour.

Los Niños Films held in 2017 the film workshop Una Mirada Entre el Cálculo y el Azar, with the teaching of the Catalan filmmaker José Luis Guerín (ESP), Luis Ospina (COL) and Víctor Gaviria (COL). The production company Los Niños Films was created by: César Alejandro Jaimes, Manuel Ponce, Juan Pablo Polanco, Diego Ricardo and Sebastián Cáceres.